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About us


Cleanliness and hygiene is a fundamental part of poultry and egg production. Insecticides and antibiotics are often used to control pests, microorganisms and parasites in production facilities.

These chemical substances can cause serious ecological problems. In contrast, the novel and patented aerosol technology IG-53 is a reliable and environmentally friendly solution to these problems.


Iodine as a component of an aerosol is present here in radical form (reactive iodine). The resulting aerosol transports the iodine in space. Therefore it is not necessary to carry out the dissociation in solvents.

IG-53 is mineral and biological! This patented technology makes poultry and egg production successful, clean and safe!

Our aim is to use new technologies to improve food production so that ecological production is made possible.

We take nature as our model - for a clean future.